Projects & Funding

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Prop 84 Round 1 IRWM Implementation Grant

Prop 84 Round 1 IRWM Implementation Grant

Prop 84 Round 1 IRWM Implementation GrantOn January 7, 2011, the Kings Basin Water Authority submitted a grant application seeking Prop 84 IRWM Implementation funds based on two scenarios. Scenario 1 totaled $13,333,333, which was the potential maximum amount of grant...

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Prop 13 Groundwater Storage Construction Grant Program

Prop 13 Groundwater Storage Construction Grant Program

Prop 13 Groundwater Storage Construction Grant ProgramProposition 13, the Safe Drinking Water, Clean Water, Watershed Protection and Flood Protection Act was passed by California voters on March 7, 2000 and included funding for groundwater storage and recharge...

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Prop 50 Round 2 IRWM Implementation Grant

Prop 50 Round 2 IRWM Implementation Grant

Prop 50 Round 2 IRWM Implementation Grant Introduction The Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Act (Proposition 50) was passed by California voters in November of 2002. Chapter 8 of the Act established the Integrated Regional Water...

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