Prop 84 Round 2 IRWM Implementation Grant
On March 28, 2013, the Kings Basin Water Authority (KBWA) submitted a grant application seeking Prop 84 IRWM Round 2 Implementation Grant Program funding to complete five (5) priority projects identified by the Kings Basin IRWMP. The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) awarded the region $8,734,000 in grant funding to offset a combined project cost of $11,105,913. The grant agreement between KBWA and California Department of Water Resources was executed in July 2014. Work under the agreement concluded on June 30, 2018.
PROJECT 1: Fresno Irrigation District | Southwest Groundwater Banking Project (COMPLETED)
The Southwest Groundwater Banking facility will recharge an estimated average of 7,500 acre feet per year (AFY) and provide approximately 270 AF of flood water surface storage in the Kings Basin. Recharged groundwater will be pumped using James Irrigation District’s existing wells.”